Pathak-Broome, Neema

Environmental Science
Research Focus
Neema Pathak-Broome’s work includes researching, documenting, understanding, facilitating, and advocating for processes towards decentralized, equitable, diverse, and context-specific forms of conservation governance, especially decolonized and alternative forms of conservation within and outside government designated protected areas.
Selected Publications
Walters, G., Broome, N. P., Cracco, M., Dash, T., Dudley, N., Elías, S., … & Achtone, C. (2021). COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, local communities and natural resource governance. Parks, 27(27), 57-72.
Broome, N. P., Rai, N. D., & Tatpati, M. (2017). Biodiversity conservation and forest rights act. Economic and Political Weekly, 52(25-26), 51-54.