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Name Degree Institution Discipline Supervisor Committee Research Title
Ursula Abramczyk
Photo by Janelle Kuntz
MA University of Victoria Anthropology Brian Thom Hul’qumi’num Peoples and the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve: Re-storying the Coast Salish Landscape
Janelle Baker
PhD McGill University Anthropology Colin Scott Cree Perspectives on Wild Food Contamination in Alberta’s Oil Sands Region
Salman Banisadr MSc Concordia University Geography, Planning and Environment Monica Mulrennan Graduate Thesis Research as a Lens on the Discipline of Geography’s Engagement of Indigenous Communities in Canada
Nicholas Barber
PhD McGill University Anthropology Ronald Niezen Baka Representation: Rights, Videomaking, and Indigenous Identity in Southeast Cameroon
Gioia Barnbrook PhD University of Aberdeen Anthropology Nancy Wachowich and Robert Wishart David Anderson and Colin Scott Indigenous knowledge of eelgrass and waterfowl decline in the eastern James Bay
Amy Becker MA University of Victoria Anthropology Brian Thom Stz’uminus Storied Places: Community-based Methodologies and Representations of Place in Digital Mapping
Pierre BĂ©dard PhD Laval University Anthropology Sylvie Poirier Indigenous immanentism and ontologies. A case study of the Innu of the Lower North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Jessica Béland MA Laval University Anthropology Sylvie Poirier Les enjeux et stratégies identitaires des jeunes adultes Nehirowisiwok de Manawan
Mhaly Bois-Charlebois MA UQAM Biology Hugo Asselin Nicole Fenton Les défis de la compensation écologique des impacts sur les milieux humides dans le nord du Québec : étude de cas en territoire Cri
Morgane Bonamy PhD Université de Montréal Geography Thora Herrmann Wolverine, Society and Conservation in Canada
Chloe Boone MSc Concordia University Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies Monica Mulrennan Nicole Fenton Relationships, language, and the land: Cree language revitalisation in Wemindji Cree First Nation
Gonzalo Bustamante PhD UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec en Outaouais Applied Social Sciences Thibault Martin La gouvernance de l’extraction de ressources naturelles sur les territoires autochtones
Noah Cannon
MSc Concordia University Geography, Planning and Environment Kevin Gould A Historical and Economic Geography of the Community Well-Being Index: The Role of the Academia–State Nexus in Producing Indigenous Well-Being
Marion Carrier
MSc Université de Montréal Geography Thora Herrmann Insects tell a story: a web interwoven with entomology and Naskapi knowledge in Kawawachikamach
DamiĂĄn Castro
PhD Memorial University of Newfoundland Anthropology Mario Blaser Caribou Meat Distribution Networks in the Community of Sheshatshiu
MĂ©lanie Chaplier
Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship Dartmouth College Anthropology Dale Turner The “Paix des Braves” Agreement and the Cree Land Tenure Transformations. For a Political Ontology of Resource Exploitation in James Bay, Quebec.
Erin Consiglio
PhD University of Aberdeen Anthropology David Anderson Human-Animal Relationships and Gwich’in Oral History in Old Crow, Yukon Territory
Jimmy Couillard-DesprĂ©s MA Laval University Geography Caroline Desbiens KAPI ICIɅIKATEK : Le territoire nommĂ© des Apitipi8iʌʌik
Dee Cullon PhD University of Victoria Anthropology Brian Thom Fish are Persons Too: Human-fish Relationships on the Northwest Coast
Alice Damiano PhD McGill University Renewable Resources Peter Brown and Colin Scott Ecological Economics, Behavioural Economics, Indigenous Studies and natural/environmental disasters
Benjamin Dangl PhD McGill University History Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert Rebel Memory: The Politics of the Past in Bolivian Indigenous Movements, 1970-2015
Karine Desjardins PhD Université du Québec en Outaouais Applied Social Sciences Thibault Martin Le territoire de la guérison: le renouveau des pratiques spirituelles autochtones
Heather Elliot MSc Concordia University Geography, Planning and Environment Monica Mulrennan nsettling the Table: Decolonization within and through the Food Movement
Benoit Éthier
PhD Université Laval Anthropology Sylvie Poirier Orocowewin notcimik itatcihowin: ontologie politique et contemporanéité des droits et de la responsabilité territoriale chez les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok dans le contexte des négociations territoriales globales
Justin Fritz MA University of Victoria Anthropology Brian Thom W̱SÁNEĆ Reef-Net Sites: Digital Mapping, Territoriality, and the Revitalization of the Reef Net Fishery
Justine Gagnon
PhD UniversitĂ© Laval Geography Caroline Desbiens Manikuakanishtuk: La commĂ©moration des lieux et des paysages inondĂ©s dans une perspective d’affirmation culturelle
Mathieu Gauthier MA University of Ottawa Globalization and International Development Karine Vanthuyne Les projets de vie et le dĂ©veloppement extractif: Une enquĂȘte sur la mine ÉlĂ©onore auprĂšs de la Nation crie de Wemindji
Arnaud Gingras-Tremblay Master of Law Laval University Law GeneviĂšve Motard Le rĂ©gime minier et la reconnaissance judiciaire d’un titre ancestral sur le territoire quĂ©bĂ©cois: un arrimage imparfait
Jennifer Gobby
PhD McGill University Natural Resource Sciences Peter Brown Towards Decolonization & Decarbonization: Understanding and Supporting Indigenous Efforts for Systems Change in Canada
Camilo GĂłmez
PhD McGill University Anthropology Colin Scott The Value of the Sacred: Extraction of Natural Resources in Indigenous Territories. Culture, Spirituality, and Conflict in the Colombian Amazon
Marie-MichĂšle Grenon PhD Laval University Anthropology Sabrina Doyon De Yo, sĂ­ puedo Ă  ArrowMight: un exemple de coopĂ©ration « Sud-Nord » dans le domaine de l’alphabĂ©tisation
Jeff Hackett
MA Concordia University Geography, Planning and Environment SĂ©bastien Caquard “As Long as this Land Shall Last”: The Role of Mapping Traditional Knowledge and Use in the Struggle for Self-Determination in Northern Canada
Ève Harbour-Marsan MA Laval University Geography Caroline Desbiens Gouvernance et bilan depuis 1994 de l’approvisionnement Ă©nergĂ©tique au Nunavik : quelle est la participation des Inuit?
Emery Hartley MSc McGill University Renewable Resources Peter Brown Situating corporations in natural resource management: a corporate power map of Treaty 8 territory in northeastern British Columbia
Kelda Helweg-Larsen
MA University of Victoria Anthropology Brian Thom ČaɁak (Islands): How Place-based Indigenous Perspectives Can Inform National Park Visitor Experience Programming in Nuu-chah-nulth Traditional Territory
Gyorgy Henyei Neto
PhD University of Aberdeen Anthropology Timothy Ingold Handmade in SĂĄpmi: Duodji, material culture and arguments on identity through traditional handcraft
Jessica Hewitt MSc Concordia University Geography, Planning and Environment Monica Mulrennan Remapping land with Kwantlen First Nation: strategies for enhancing their control and participation in Regional Park planning and management in British Columbia
Tariq Hossein MSc Concordia University Geography, Planning and Environment Monica Mulrennan Tourism as a Livelihood Alternative for James Bay Cree Coastal Communities
Tara Joly
PhD University of Aberdeen Anthropology Robert Wishart Making productive space: land use, muskeg, and reclamation in the Athabasca oil sands, Fort McMurray, Canada
Evans Kirigia
PhD McGill University Anthropology John Galaty Community-based conservation and environmentality in Kenya
Kawtar Lahkim Master of Law Laval University Law GeneviĂšve Motard La notion d’intĂ©rĂȘt public comme limite Ă  l’exercice des droits territoriaux des peuples autochtones au QuĂ©bec et en Guyane
Annie Lalancette MSc Concordia University Geography, Planning and Environment Monica Mulrennan In the Same Boat: Encouraging Perspective and Knowledge Sharing in the Tropical Rock Lobster Fishery, Torres Strait, Australia
Juan Larrea Savinovich
LL.M McGill University Law Kirsten Anker Research on the rights of nature, extractive industries and corporate social responsibility in Ecuador
Etienne Le Merre
PhD Université Laval and Montpellier SupAgro Geography Caroline Desbiens Inuit well-being and mining implantation in Nunavik
Jorge Legoas Pena
Postdoctoral Fellowship McGill University Anthropology Thibault Martin Citizenship and planning in the Andes: Governing through science and law in the margins of the Neoliberal State
Emmanuel Kileli Leyani MA University of Victoria Geography Philip Dearden The Assessment of the Effectiveness of an Incentive-based Conservation Approach in Lololiondo north of Tanzania.
Avital Li
Undergraduate Arts Research Internship Award McGill University Sustainability, Science and Society Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert Alternative Development Initiatives in the Ngobe-Bugle Comarca
Klerkson Lugusa PhD McGill University Anthropology Nicolas Kosoy and John Galay Public-Private partnerships as institutions for natural resource conservation, management and use: Case studies of conservancies in the drylands of Kenya.
Perry Maddox
MA McGill University Anthropology Colin Scott Farming As Politics: Exploring The Meaning Of Agriculture In Two NgÀbé-Buglé Communities
Simon Maraud PhD Université de Limoges Physical and Environmental Geography Caroline Desbiens Instrumentalisations de la nature en territoires autochtones: comparaison entre le Såpmi (SuÚde) et Eeyou Itschee (Québec, Canada)
Francesca Marin PhD University of Aberdeen Anthropology Timothy Ingold The first animal to disappear will be the small-scale fisherman
Thomas McGurk MSc Concordia University Geography, Planning and Environment SĂ©bastien Caquard Indigenous online Mapping in Canada – Decolonizing or recolonizing forms of spatial expressions?
Sarah Moritz
PhD McGill University Anthropology Colin Scott Rob Wishart and Ismael Vaccaro “Fish is there for our descendants!”: Intersections of Interior Salish Upper St’át’imc Fishing, Hydro-Electric Development and Environmental Change in the Fraser River Valley of British Columbia
Pierre Alexandre Paquet PhD McGill University Anthropology Ismael Vaccaro and Colin Scott Migrating Environmental Subjects: The perspective of the Van Gujjars on environmental conservation and forestry in the Rajaji and Govid National Parks, Uttarakhand, India
Claire Poirier PhD Memorial University of Newfoundland Archaeology Mario Blaser Hunting Buffalo Under the Ground: Ontological Encounters in Heritage Management
Elias Pottek PhD Université de Montréal Geography Thora Herrmann Communal Conflict and the Geopolitics of Land Tenure and Rural Resource Management in North and South Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Matthew Pritchard PhD McGill University Geography Jon Unruh The Co-Evolution of Land Tenure Systems in South Sudan: (Re)defining, (re)developing and (re)expressing human-environment relations in a post-conflict environment
Tamara Ranspot
PhD University of Aberdeen Anthropology David Anderson Music and Human-Animal Relations Among Northern Athapaskans
GeneviĂšve Reid
PhD McGill University Geography Renée Sieber Colin Scott Aspirations of the Cree in Northern Quebec and Geospatial Ontologies
Daniel Ruiz-Serna PhD McGill University Anthrpology Eduardo Kohn When Forests Run Amok. Violence and its Afterlives in Indigenous and Afro-Colombian territories
Paula Schiefer
PhD University of Aberdeen Anthropology David Anderson Cultivating Salmon. Human-Fish Relations in Bethel, Alaska
Divya Sharma
Photo by Alex Tran Photography
MSc McGill University Biology Catherine Potvin Genesis of an indigenous social-ecological landscape in eastern Panama
Katie Sinclair
PhD McGill University Anthropology Colin Scott Policy and Local Engagement: Mining in Arctic Canada
Alyse Stuart
MA Memorial University of Newfoundland Gender Studies Mario Blaser Fracking Canadian Settler Narratives: The Elsipogtog Shale-Gas Protest and Indigenous Women’s Resistance
Annick Thomassin
PhD McGill University Anthropology Colin Scott Ronald Niezen, Ismael Vaccaro and Monica Mulrennan Ina ngalmun lagau (this part of the sea belong to us) – Fisheries Co-management and Sea Rights in Torres Strait: A Sea Change in Power Relationships?
Carolina Tytelman PhD Memorial University of Newfoundland Anthropology Mario Blaser People and Trees: Forest Co-Management in Nitassinan-Labrador
Geoffrey Wallace PhD McGill University History Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert The History and Geography of Beeswax Extraction in the Northern Maya Lowlands, 1540-1700
Paul Wattez
PhD University of Montreal and University of Laval Anthropology Marie-Pierre Bousquet and Sylvie Poirier lyiyuu Ihtuun and the politics of heritage among the Eeyouch
MĂ©lanie Wittes Undergraduate Arts Research Internship Award McGill University Anthropology Colin Scott Developing a Website for the Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives (CICADA)
Corey Wright PhD McGill University Anthropology John Galaty Biodiversity dilemmas: indigenous rights and environmental justice in a changing climate and a relentless global economy

Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives