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CICADA Collaborators
Name Institution Discipline Research Focus Selected Publications
Jon Altman
Jon Altman
Australian National University RegNet: School of Regulation and Global Governance Social justice, economic development, indigenous policy, indigenous participation in global economy, commercial fishing, indigenous customary economy, land rights and title, indigenous land and sea management, aboriginal peoples of Australia.

Indigenous Development
Altman, Jon, and Francis Markham. 2019. “Basic Income and Cultural Participation for Remote-Living Indigenous Australians.” In Implementing a Basic Income in Australia, Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee, edited by E. Klein, J. Mays and T. Dunlop, 87-109. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
David George Anderson University of Aberdeen Anthropology Ecological anthropology, indigenous resource rights, environmental archaeology,  human-animal relations, political anthropology, landscape studies, ethnohistory, archaeology, cross-cultural ideas of health, northwestern Canada, indigenous peoples of Siberia.
Caroline Archambault Leiden University Geosciences Socio-cultural anthropology, development, demography, education, childhood, gender studies, migration, impact assessments, pastoralism, informal settlements, Sub-Saharan Africa.
José Aylwin Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH) Law Indigenous law and legislation, indigenous rights, legal pluralism, human rights, ethnicity and intercultural relations, land claims, Latin America, Chile, Mapuche.
Janelle Baker
Janelle Baker
Athabasca University Anthropology Cultural politics of energy, Cree perspectives on wild food contamination in Alberta’s oil sands region, community-based environmental monitoring, traditional foods
Elena Bennett McGill University Natural Resource
Landscape studies, ecosystems, agriculture, sustainable resource management, human impacts on biogeochemical cycles, human perturbation of ecosystem processes, land use analysis, limnology, urban ecology.
Jessica Black Heritage University Indigenous Health, Culture & Environment Her most recent projects involve researching sustainable agricultural practices for water stressed agricultural regions in the Pacific Northwest. She is also active in studying the nitrate contamination of the groundwater in the Lower Yakima Valley.
Mario Blaser
Mario Blaser
Memorial University of Newfoundland Aboriginal Studies/
Indigenous knowledges and Western science in conservation and development projects, indigenous political mobilization, ontological politics, Yshiro of Paraguay, Innu of Labrador.

Life Projects Network
Cecil Chabot Concordia University First Peoples Studies program Born and raised in the subarctic Cree community of Moose Factory. His research explores interconnections between Indigenous, Western and other cultures, and their environments, and seeks to bring their traditions into deep dialogue on fundamental human questions.
Colin Chapman George Washington University Environmental
Conservation biology, primate behavioral ecology, tropical forest regeneration, freshwater fish ecology, plant phenology and distributions, Africa, Uganda.
Philip Dearden University of Victoria Natural Resources
Parks and protected areas, incentive-based community conservation, marine, Tanzania, Ghana, Southeast Asia.
Dimitri Della Faille Université du Québec en Outaouais Sociology International development, gender studies, indigenous studies.
Jackson Efitre Makerere University Biological sciences Limnology, freshwater conservation, fisheries management, marine biology, zoology, climate change, capacity building.
Christina Gabbert University of Göttingen Integration and
Conflict resolution, conflict and gender, peace studies, cultural identity, innovation and cultural change, pastoralism, global markets, land use, development, visual anthropology, oral history, northeast Africa, Arbore of the South Omo region, Ethiopia.
Geoffrey Garver
Geoffrey Garver
McGill University; Concordia University Law and Governance; Transdisciplinary environmental studies Ecological law; degrowth Garver, Geoffrey. 2020. Ecological Law and the Planetary Crisis: A Legal Guide for Harmony on Earth. London: Routledge.

Garver, Geoffrey. 2020. “Promoting Human Connection to Place in Ecological Law.” In L. Westra, K. Bosselmann, and M. Fermeglia (eds), Ecological Integrity in Science and Law. Cham, SW: Springer Nature. Pp. 125-134.
Rebecca Hardin University of Michigan Anthropology Human/wildlife interactions; social and environmental change related to wildlife management, tourism, logging, and mining in equatorial Africa; environmental justice; global health
Andrew Hendry McGill University Redpath Museum Contemporary evolution, ecological speciation, adaptive radiation, gene flow, dispersal, natural selection, marine environments, freshwater.
Elaine Hsiao Sheffield Institute International Development Community conservation, transboundary conservation, conflicts, environmental peacebuilding.
Timothy Ingold
Tim Ingold
University of Aberdeen Anthropology Environment and identity, reindeer herding and husbandry, rural economy, agriculture, migration and rural depopulation, displacement and resettlement, hunter-gatherer and pastoral societies, human-animal relations, Finland, Lapland, northern circumpolar region, Sami. Ingold, Tim. 2013. “The conical lodge at the centre of the earth-sky world.” In About the hearth: perspectives on home, hearth, and household in the circumpolar North, eds. D. Anderson, R. P. Wishart and V. Vaté. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 11-28.

Ingold, Tim. 2019. “The North is everywhere.” In Knowing from the Indigenous North: Sami approaches to history, politics and belonging, eds. T. H. Eriksen, S. Valkonen and J. Valkonen. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 108-119.
Jochen Jaeger
Jochen Jaeger
Concordia University Geography Environmental dynamics, ecological modelling, environmental impact assessments, landscape restoration, nature-population relation, landscape ecology and connectivity, sustainable development.
Timothy Allan Johns McGill University Dietetics and Human Nutrition Agrobiodiversity, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, food security, indigenous health, dynamics of social transformations, ecohealth, Canada, Sub-Saharan Africa.

Food security, Kenya
Steven Jordan
Steven Jordan
McGill University Integrated Studies in Education Participatory action research, indigenous education, informal learning, gender, migration, Crees of northern Quebec.
Charis Kamphuis
Charis Kemphuis
Thompson Rivers University Law Transnational resource extraction, Indigenous peoples’ rights, human rights defenders, Latin America, international law, corporate accountability, Canadian economic diplomacy, Canadian extra-territorial responsibility Kamphuis, Charis, and Leah Gardner. 2019. “Effectiveness Framework for Home-State Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms.” In Extractive Industries and Human Rights in an Era of Global Justice: New Ways of Resolving and Preventing Conflicts, edited by A. M. Manirabona, and Y. Vega Cardenas, 75-100. Montreal: LexisNexis.

Kamphuis, Charis. 2019. “Building the Case for Home-State Grievance Mechanisms: Law Reform Strategies in the Canadian Resource Justice Movement.” In Human Rights in the Extractive Industries: Transparency, Participation, Resistance, edited by I. Feichtner, and M. Krajewski, 455-510. New-York: Springer.
Justin Kenrick Forest Peoples Programme Anthropology Forest peoples in Africa; Ogiek; Sengwer; land reform; restoration of the commons
Kariuki Kirigia
Kariuki Kirigia
University of Toronto School of the Environment and African Studies Centre Climate change, biodiversity conservation, territories of life, land governance, food security, African epistemologies and pedagogies, and sustainability in Africa
Ashish Kothari
Ashish Kothari
Kalpavriksh Environment, Development alternatives Alternatives to development, Direct democracy, Conservation and biodiversity policy, Community rights and autonomy. Kothari, Ashish, Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Frederico Demaria, and Alberto Acosta, eds. 2019. Pluriverse: A post-Development Dictionary. New Delhi: Tulika Books, in association with AuthorsUpFront
Julie Lahn Australia National University Centre for
Economic Policy
Morality, economics and sociality, aspiration, class and social mobility, cultures of work, urban indigeneity, indigenous development, social policy, gambling, repatriation, Native title and land rights, museum collecting, Torres Strait, Southeast Aboriginal Australia.

Living Well in the Torres Strait
Carole Lévesque Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) Urbanization,
Culture and
Cultural technology, education, oral tradition, nutrition, social change, community integration, urban areas, sustainable development, political autonomy, governance, modernity, knowledge mobilization, knowledge society, Cree, Inuit, Naskapi Innu.
Edward Loure University Dar es Salaam Ujamaa-Community Resource Team Environmental and social justice, resource management, capacity building, ecological sustainability, rural economies, biological diversity, landscape studies, Tanzania.
Marc Mazerolle
Marc Mazerolle
Laval University Forestry Conservation biology, estimation of demographic parameters, statistics, development of breeding and reintroduction program for the chorus frog.
Touihri, M., Séguy, M., Imbeau, L., Mazerolle M. J., Bird, D. M. 2019. Effects of agricultural lands on habitat selection and breeding success of American kestrels in a boreal context. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 272: 146–154.

Chavel, E. E., Imbeau, L., Mazerolle, M. J., Drapeau, P. 2017. Boreal small mammals show evidence of density-dependent patterns with area- sensitivity. Forest Ecology and Management 400: 485–501.
Stéphane McLachlan University of Manitoba Environmental Conservation Risk and adaptation, alternative food systems, food justice, environmental justice, environmental health, participatory video, participatory research, conservation and restoration, and traditional knowledge
Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez McGill University Dietetics and Human Nutrition Food insecurity, hunger, poverty, malnutrition, public health, Latin America.
Charles Menzies
Charles Menzies
University of British Columbia (UBC) Anthropology Anthropological film, natural resource management, political economy, maritime anthropology, archaeology, political economy of social struggle, Western Europe, Coastal British Columbia.
Terry Mitchell Laurier University Community Psychology Intercultural communication; indigenous rights and Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC); community-engaged research
Marama Muru-Lanning University of Auckland Anthropology Cultural specificity of iwi-Māori and their unique sense of place and belonging in New-Zealand; water, environment and indigenous engagement; robotics and infrastructure
Christine Noe University Dar es Salaam Geography Human geography, political economy, tourism, spatiality, conservation, land use.
Catherine Nolin
Catherine Nolin
University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Geography Social and legal geographies, immigration, forced migration, transnationalism, transnational solidarity, state-sponsored violence, social justice, indigenous rights, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada.

Indigenous Engagements with Mining
Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh Griffith University Government and
Interactions of large resource corporations with governments and communities, public policy, negotiation, impact assessment, corporate social responsibility, aboriginal peoples of  Australia.
Neema Pathak-Broome Kalpavriksh Environmental Science Wildlife management, conservation governance, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCAs)
Catherine Potvin
Catherine Potvin
McGill University Biology Tropical forest ecology and conservation, species conservation, global carbon cycle, climate change, land use, forest protection, Panama.

Dialogues on Sustainability
Vergara-Asenjo, G., Mateo-Vega, J., Alvarado, A. and Potvin, C. 2017. A participatory approach to elucidate the consequences on REDD+ initiatives: A case study with indigenous communities in Panama. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189463.

Mateo-Vega, J, Potvin, C. 2017. Full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in forest monitoring for REDD+: Trial in Panama’s Darien. Ecosphere 8: e01635.
Aili Pyhälä University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences; ICCA Consortium Environmental Sciences; Critical Development Studies Sustainable livelihoods; governance; Indigenous knowledge and rights; local communities and protected areas; decolonization and decentralization; cross-cultural perceptions of happiness and wellbeing; permaculture.
Geneviève Reid Florida International University Geography Geospatial technologies in Indigenous contexts, Mapping, Aspirations of the Cree in Northern Quebec, Geospatial Ontologies
Nicholas Reo Dartmouth College Native American and Environmental Studies Indigenous knowledge and ecological stewardship on Indigenous lands.
François Roch Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Legal sciences Public international law, international law and development, international organizations law, foreign direct investment, peaceful resolution of international conflicts, bi-disciplinary methodology.
Thierry Rodon
Thierry Rodon
Université Laval Political Science Northern political development, Inuit governance, indigenous education, qualitative research, joint management of natural resources, sustainable development, Nunavut, Nunavik, European Nordic countries.

EIA and Social Impact of Mining
Iokiñe Rodríguez
Iokine Rodriguez
School of International Development (DEV). University of East Anglia Sociology Environmental conflict transformation in Latin America using participatory action-research. Cultural revitalization, local history, indigenous environmental knowledge, environmental justice, equity and intercultural dialogue.
Maria Sapignoli Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Anthropology Legal anthropology, national and international institutions, human rights, global governance, social movements, indigenous peoples, environment and conservation
Günther Schlee Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Integration and
Identity and difference, changes of alliances, kinship and friendship, Germany, Sudan, South Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland.
Christa Scholtz McGill University Political Science Indigenous policy and politics, comparative politics, Canadian politics, Canadian and comparative federalism, Canadian constitutionalism
Rachel Sieder
Rachel Sieder
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) Anthropology Indigenous law, juridification of resource conflicts, legal pluralism, applied legal anthropology, state and violence, Mexico.
Evodia Silva Universidad Veracruzana Centre for Tropical
Sustainability, environmental governance, adult education, rural development, cultural and natural heritage, cultural and biodiversity, urban-rural sociology, Mexico.

Ceremonia Ritual de Voladores
Scott Simon University of Ottawa Sociological and Anthropological Studies Political anthropology, Taiwan’s Indigenous peoples, Indigenous rights, sovereignty, human-animal relations, hunting, ontologies, legal pluralism.
Aman Singh KRAPAVIS Conservation and sustainable livelihoods Community conserved areas, ecology, pastoralism, Rajasthan
Hussein Sosovele University Dar es Salaam Resource
Tourism development, sustainable development, biofuels, environmental and wildlife policy implementation, natural resources, governance.
Stan Stevens
Stan Stevens
University of Massachusetts Geoscience Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Conserved Areas (ICCAs), Sherpa territory of Khumbu
Leah Temper McGill University; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Environmental History and Ecological Economics Ecological conflicts, social metabolism, conflicts related to land use, mining and energy Temper, Leah, Dylan McGarry, and Lena Weber. 2019. “From academic to political rigour: Insights from the ‘Tarot’ of transgressive research.” Ecological Economics 164: 106379.
Brian Thom University of Victoria Anthropology Indigenous rights and governance, park and heritage collaboration and co-management, indigenous property systems, Coast Salish, British Columbia.
Thom, Brian. 2019. “Leveraging International Power: Private Property and the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.” In Scales of Governance and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, edited by Jennifer Hays and Irène Bellierin, 184-203. London: Routledge.

Thom, Brian. 2014. Reframing Indigenous Territories: Private Property, Human Rights and Overlapping Claims. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 38 (4): 3-28.
Annick Thomassin Australian National University Anthropology Indigenous Life Projects, Aboriginal fisheries management, co-management of natural resources, social exclusion policies, Indigenous-driven development
Dale Turner University of Toronto Political Science Social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, early modern political philosophy, indigenous philosophy, federal aboriginal law and policy, Canada, United States.

Indigenous Confluence
Karine Vanthuyne
Karine Vanthuyne
University of Ottawa Sociology and
Political and medical anthropology, violence and conflict, memory and identity, indigenous movements, decolonization struggles, ecotourism, Crees of northern Quebec, Mayans of Guatemala.

Indigenous Engagement with Mining
Iván Vargas Roncancio York University Law and Society; Anthropology Earth law; Indigenous Cosmologies and Legalities; Amazonia; Anthropology of Plant-Human Relations; Decolonial Pedagogies. Vargas Roncancio, I.D. (2024). Law, Humans and Plants in the Andes-Amazon. The Lawness of Life. Routledge.

Vargas Roncancio, I.D. (2023). “Law as Relation and the Co-emergence of Beings: Towards a Paradigm Shift in Legal Education for Socioecological Transitions.” In Thomas Giddens and Dundee Luca Siliquini-Cinelli (Eds). Life and the Structures of the Law School: The Biopolitics of Legal Education. Vol. 2 (Resisting the Law School). Routledge.

Vargas Roncancio, I.D., & Sterlin, J. Grear A., Boulot, E., (eds) (2021). Posthuman Legalities: New Materialism and Law Beyond the Human.” Cheltenham UK/ Northampton-USA: Edward Elgar Press.
Gro Ween University of Oslo Cultural History
Land rights, political processes, natural resource management, cultural heritage, world heritage, national and international management of nature and culture, connections between intervening nature knowledges, self-determination, aboriginal peoples of Australia, Sami of Norway, Yupic of Alaska.
Viviane Weitzner
Viviane Weitzner
McGill University Anthropology Indigenous and afro-descendent rights, legal pluralism, extractive industries, Colombia
David Western University of California, San Diego and University of Minnesota; African Conservation Centre (Kenya) Biology Interactions and coexistence of humans and wildlife, conservation solutions, savanna ecosystems, climate change, Kenya.
Clint Westman
Clint Westman
University of Saskatchewan Anthropology Cultural politics of energy, impacts and processes concerning Indigenous peoples in northern Alberta’s energy sector, impacts on habitats and modes of living
Robert Wishart
Robert Wishart
University of Aberdeen Anthropology Oral history, identity, colonial wildlife management regimes, continuities in hunting traditions, ethnohistory, landscape, cultural maintenance, constructions of the environment, Scottish fur traders, Gwich’in and Ojibwe of subarctic Canada.
Victor Corey Wright University College Utrecht Social Sciences Indigenous land rights and conflict, conservation, tourism, livelihoods, East Africa.

Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives