CICADA publishes a biannual newsletter in English, French and Spanish.
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Some of our recent posts:
✨We’re excited to share that the next CICADA Graduate & Postdoc Forum roundtable is happening soon! ✨
📅 Friday, March 21, 2025
📍 Peterson Hall 116, McGill University
⏰ Time 12:30 – 2:00 PM EST
💻 Hybrid event (join us in person or via Zoom)
This time, we’ll be discussing gender, feminism, and LGBTQ+ rights during fieldwork—and how to navigate (or not!) complicated situations. 🙌
Lunch and refreshments will be provided, so come hungry for both food and discussion! 🍽️
Everyone is welcome—whether you’re a student, postdoc, faculty member, activist, or part of civil society.
For the Zoom link, just reach out to
Hope to see you there!
#CICADA #McGill #Fieldwork #Gender #LGBTQ+ #Feminism #Anthropology #fieldwork
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✨Welcome to the 3rd CICADA Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Forum of this semester! ✨
📅 When: February 28th
📍 Where: Hybrid event – join us in person at McGill (Peterson 116) or online via Zoom!
📧 For those who are joining online, please send an email to for the link.
We are delighted to announce that Laura Goyhenex will be joining us this time! Her research focuses on the relationship between the Indigenous community and the environment in the subarctic of Canada. She will be sharing her insights on the politics of remediation/reclamation related to radioactive materials on Indigenous lands in northern Alberta and southern Northwest Territories.
🍕 Lunch & refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees!
🌍 Everyone is welcome!
#Indigenous #IndigenousRights #Research #McGill #Environment #Pollution #Subarctic #CICADAForum
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🌊 Exciting opportunity! QLF is seeking 3-4 undergraduate and graduate students to join a 6-week field program between May–July 2025, continuing critical conservation work across the Maritime provinces.
🌱 Gain hands-on experience in:
✅ Community-based conservation
✅ Environmental education
✅ Nonprofit program development
Through this leadership program, interns will develop the knowledge and skills to guide decision-making that protects the natural environment while maintaining vibrant, sustainable communities.
📍 Location: Maritime provinces
📅 May–July 2025 (6-week program)
🔗 Apply now! More info:
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✨Welcome to the 2nd CICADA Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Forum event of the semester! ✨
📅 When: February 14th
📍 Where: Hybrid event – join us in person at McGill (Peterson Hall 116) or online via Zoom!
💡 What: Join us for a discussion on digital methodologies, fieldwork, and action research. Whether you're a student, postdoc, faculty member, activist, or part of civil society, this event is for you!
🍕 Lunch & refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees.
🌍 Let’s connect, learn, and grow together! Don’t miss out—everyone is welcome!
🔗 Stay tuned for more details. See you there! 👋
#CICADAForum #DigitalMethodologies #Fieldwork #ActionResearch #AcademicCommunity #Research #Networking
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🚀✨Pour celles et ceux qui sont dans la région du Saguenay, ne manquez pas le lancement du documentaire « Oser s’élever contre le racisme » le 12 février de 12h à 13h30 au Cégep de Jonquière (Salle François-Brassard) ! 🎥🌍
Ce documentaire présente le projet Rapprochements entre collectivités autochtones et allochtones dirigé par Mathieu Cook dans le cadre de la Chaire.
📽️ Après la projection, une discussion aura lieu avec l’équipe de recherche et des membres du regroupement Mamuitun Ishipitenitamun | Mamuaitunanuatsh | Un ensemble qui se respecte.
📍 Événement gratuit et ouvert à tous !
🔗 Infos :
#Racisme #Documentaire #Jonquière #Autochtones #Éducation
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💡Rejoignez-nous pour un événement hybride avec Dr. Leïla Baracchini sur "Guérir les lieux, réanimer les liens : la revitalisation des danses de soin dans le district de Ghanzi, Botswana." La conférence aura lieu le 31 janvier 2025, de 12h30 à 14h00, à la salle Peterson Hall 116, Université McGill. Pour ceux à Montréal, nous serions ravis de vous voir sur place, ou si vous préférez participer en ligne, le lien Zoom est disponible sur demande. Veuillez contacter pour plus d’informations. Ne manquez pas cette occasion de découvrir la revitalisation des danses de soin des San !
💡Join us for a hybrid event featuring Dr. Leïla Baracchini on "Healing Places, Revitalizing Connections: The Renewal of Healing Dances in the Ghanzi District, Botswana." The lecture will take place on January 31, 2025, from 12:30 to 2:00 PM at Peterson Hall 116, McGill University. For those in Montreal, we’d love to see you in person, or if you’re happy to join online, the Zoom link is available upon request. Please contact for details. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the revitalization of San healing dances!
#Anthropology #HealingDances #Botswana #SanCulture #McGillUniversity #DanceAndHealing #AcademicEvent
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For those in Montreal and those joining us online, we’re thrilled to announce the CICADA Graduate and Postdoctoral Forum Series events for this winter! ❄️✨ Mark your calendars—we can’t wait to see you there!
🌱Le Forum CICADA des étudiant.e.s des cycles supérieurs et postdoctorant.e.s. est un lieu de partage et de soutien entre pairs où les étudiant.e.s des cycles supérieurs et post-doctorant.e.s peuvent partager leurs recherches par le biais de présentations et contributions diverses. Nous organisons également des groupes de discussion sur des sujets d'intérêt général au sens large, comme des sessions méthodologiques, des sessions portant sur le développement des compétences professionnelles dans le milieu académique, mais aussi des sessions sur des questions d'actualité.
🌱The CICADA Graduate and Postdoctoral Forum is a place where graduate students and postdocs can share their research and develop networks of support. We host discussion groups on themes and topics of broadly shared interest, such as innovative research methodologies, professionalization skills, and issues of current urgent concern. We also regularly share our members’ research through presentations.
🌱El Fórum de Postgrado y Postdoctorado de CICADA es un lugar donde las y los estudiantes de postgrado y postdoctorado pueden compartir sus experiencias de investigación y desarrollar redes de apoyo. Organizamos grupos de debate sobre temas y asuntos de interés común, como metodologías de investigación innovadoras, competencias de profesionalización y temas de preocupación actuales. También compartimos regularmente las investigaciones de nuestras y nuestros miembros a manera de presentaciones.
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Allô! Comment est-ce qu'on peut accéder au lieu zoom? Merci!