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🌱This book draws attention to the issues of Indigenous justice and reconciliation in Taiwan, exploring how Indigenous actors affirm their rights through explicitly political and legal strategies, but also through subtle forms of justice work in films, language instruction, museums, and handicraft production.

🌱Ce livre attire l'attention sur les questions de justice et de réconciliation pour les peuples autochtones à Taïwan, en explorant comment les acteurs autochtones affirment leurs droits par des stratégies explicitement politiques et juridiques, mais aussi par des formes subtiles de travail de justice dans les films, l'enseignement des langues, les musées et la production d'artisanat.

🌱Este libro llama la atención sobre las cuestiones de justicia y reconciliación indígena en Taiwán, explorando cómo los actores indígenas afirman sus derechos a través de estrategias explícitamente políticas y legales, pero también mediante formas sutiles de trabajo de justicia en películas, enseñanza de idiomas, museos y producci🌱This bol🌱Thii🌱Thist🌱Thij🌱This book dran🌱This book draa🌱Thd🌱This b#researchdemic #research
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⛰"The Three Deaths of Cerro de San Pedro" by Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert, our CICADA co-investigator, explores the history of precious-metals extractivism in Cerro de San Pedro, a small gold- and silver-mining district in Mexico.

⛰« Les trois morts de Cerro de San Pedro » de Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert, notre co-investigateur du CICADA, explore l'histoire de l'extractivisme des métaux précieux à Cerro de San Pedro, un petit district minier d'or et d'argent au Mexique.

⛰« Las tres muertes de Cerro de San Pedro » de Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert, nuestro co-investigador de CICADA, explora la historia del extractivismo de metales preciosos en Cerro de San Pedro, un pequeño distrito minero de oro y plata en México.

#MiningHistory #EnvironmentalJustice #Mexico #extractivism
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🌱 Indigenous Elders, healers, Western physicians, and scholars seek complementarities between Indigenous Practices and Western Biomedicine. Today, let's read "Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being," edited by Leslie Main Johnson and Janelle Marie Baker.

🌱Les aînés autochtones, guérisseurs, médecins occidentaux et chercheurs cherchent des complémentarités entre les pratiques autochtones et la biomédecine occidentale. Aujourd'hui, lisons "Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being," édité par Leslie Main Johnson et Janelle Marie Baker.

🌱Los ancianos indígenas, curanderos, médicos occidentales y académicos buscan complementariedades entre las prácticas indígenas y la biomedicina occidental. Hoy, vamos a leer "Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being," editado por Leslie Main Johnson y Janelle Marie Baker.

#indigenouswisdom #biomedicine #indigenoushealth #wellbeing #communitywellbeing
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⛰Today, we are going to share with you another publication by CICADA partner Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh: Indigenous Peoples and Mining: A Global Perspective. This book seeks to understand the political, social, economic, and cultural dynamic that is created by the relentless expansion of mining into Indigenous territories.

⛰Aujourd'hui, nous allons partager avec vous une autre publication du partenaire de CICADA, Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh : Les peuples autochtones et l'exploitation minière : Une perspective mondiale. Ce livre cherche à comprendre la dynamique politique, sociale, économique et culturelle créée par l'expansion incessante de l'exploitation minière dans les territoires autochtones.

⛰Hoy vamos a compartir con ustedes otra publicación del socio de CICADA, Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh: Pueblos Indígenas y Minería: Una Perspectiva Global. Este libro busca entender la dinámica política, social, económica y cultural que se crea por la expansión implacable de la mine⛰Today, we are gr⛰Todaí⛰Today, we are gs#EnvironmentalImpactbalPerspective #EnvironmentalImpact
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We are happy to share recent publications by our CICADA partners. Today, we highlight L’alternative Patrimoniale des Iyiyiwch : Savoir-faire, territoire et autonomie by Paul Wattez, which examines the relationship between the Iyiyiwch (Cree of Quebec) and the concept of heritage.

✨This book examines the relationship between the Iyiyiwch (Cree of Quebec) and the concept of heritage, focusing on the process of heritage designation of their culture. One of the fundamental lessons of the Iyiyiwch is that, beyond knowledge and practices, it is relationships that need to be protected and passed on.

✨Cet ouvrage propose une étude des relations qu’une Première Nation, celle des Iyiyiwch (Cris du Québec), entretient avec le concept de patrimoine et le processus de mise en patrimoine de sa culture. Un des enseignements fondamentaux des Iyiyiwch est que, au-delà des savoirs et des pratiques, ce sont les relations qui sont à protéger et à transmettre.

✨Este libro examina la relación entre una Primera Nación, los Iyiyiwch (Cree de Quebec), y el concepto de patrimonio y el proceso de patrimonialización de su cultura. Una de las lecciones fundamentales de los iyiyiwch es que, por encima de los conocimientos y las prácticas, lo que hay que proteger y transmitir son las relaciones.

#indiginous #firstnations #cree #quebec #canada #research #book #newbook #research #anthropologist #anthropology #heritage #culturalanthropology #culture
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CICADA collaborator José Aylwin, Coordinator of the Globalization and Human Rights Program of the Citizen Observatory (Observatorio Ciudadano) in Chile, urges the Chilean state to define and promote solid and coherent human rights policies and practices in regards to lithium mining in the country. (in Spanish)

FB's news embargo for Canadian users regrettably prevents us from cleanly linking to the article, but see link in comments
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CICADA collaborator José Aylwin, Coordinator of the Globalization and Human Rights Program of the Citizen Observatory (Observatorio Ciudadano) in Chile, urges the Chilean state to define and promote solid and coherent human rights policies and practices in regards to lithium mining in the country. (in Spanish)

FBs news embargo for Canadian users regrettably prevents us from cleanly linking to the article, but see link in comments
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Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives